Spiritual Discovery

eBook - A Method for Discernment in Small Groups and Congregations

Erschienen am 06.03.2015, Auflage: 1/2015
30,95 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781566997355
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 160 S.
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


Spiritual Discovery is a practical guide for groups desiring a prayerful approach to decision-making. The discernment method developed by authors Catherine C. Tran and Sandra Hughes Boyd begins with the prayer modela process for guiding prayer in small groups created by Jane E. Vennard. This model brings elements of silence and spiritual reflection to the entire decision-making proceeding. The prayer is followed by a time of thoughtful exploration and discussion, resulting in decision-making that draws on both the spirit and the intellect.

The Spiritual Discovery Method facilitates thoughtful discernment, encouraging groups and individuals to attend to how they make decisions. This book offers step-by-step guidance for practicing the Spiritual Discovery Method, addressing essentials and challenges, while also providing concrete examples illustrating how groups have successfully used this process to enact spiritual growth and change. Tran and Boyd show how the skills that participants develop as they practice the Spiritual Discovery Method can be put to use in the everyday world, ready to be called upon for decision-making in any arena. The Spiritual Discovery Method has proven to be a powerful instrument for achieving positive change, and this book helps readers implement this process in their own lives and communities.


Catherine C. Tran is Episcopal co-pastor at Grace Church in Buena Vista, Colorado, She also has a spiritual direction practice and leads Spiritual Discovery Groups in the Denver area.

Sandra Hughes Boyd is a retired interim and short-term parish ministry specialist with many years experience in a variety of congregations. A continuing occupation for her is in Adult Religious Education.

Visit theSpiritual Discovery website athttp://www.spiritualdiscoverymethod.com/


Foreword by Jane E. Vennard
Part One: The Prayer Model
Chapter 1 Jane Vennards Prayer Model
Chapter 2 The Prayer Model in Depth
Chapter 3 Hospitality
Chapter 4 Participants Roles in the Prayer Model
Chapter 5 The Order of the Prayer Model
Chapter 6 The Modified Prayer Model
Chapter 7 Debriefing
Part Two: The Spiritual Discovery Method
Chapter 8 - Discernment
Chapter 9 Group Administration
Chapter 10 The Design of the Spiritual Discovery Method
Chapter 11 Essentials for the Spiritual Discovery Method
Chapter 12 Challenges Groups Encounter
Part Three: The Compassionate Observer
Chapter 13 - The Power of Compassion and Observation
Chapter 14 The Disciplines of the Compassionate Observer
Chapter 15 Challenges for the Compassionate Observer
Part Four: The Spiritual Discovery Method - Stories

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